American Consulting Company
Lateral Partner Placements Since 1995

Connecting Partners With
AmLaw Firms, for 30 Years!
For thirty years we've been the preferred recruiting firm for lateral partner candidates across the country. Law firms turn to American Consulting Company when they need top lateral partners for their practice. Once we've referred you to that right fit firm, we can also assist as you evaluate and move through the hiring process.
90% of our clients are Am Law 100 firms. We also work with several excellent regional firms.
We refer lawyers with two to fifteen million dollars in portable business.
Our goal is to make sure everyone’s needs are met, including the needs of your clients. We will only refer you to a firm that offers long-term sustainable value on multiple levels.
Your resume and information will be presented along with your billing rate, portable business numbers, our assessment of your strengths and motivations for considering their firm.
When a firm reviews our partner referral, they know we understand their needs and will only refer someone who meets those high standards.
As you begin moving through the process, we trust you will find value from the information included on this site.
Larry Harris, President
Attorneys are good at due diligence and interviewing. However, most lawyers only change firms a couple of times during their career. The information on this site is provided as thoughts to keep top of mind.
Our Strategic Advantage
American Consulting Company was built on the belief that attorneys will seek out the search firm that can best represent their interests. Candidates choose us because they learn we are focused on knowing our markets thoroughly and serving our candidates in the most effective way possible.
If you are like most attorneys, your job is your life. Getting into law school, becoming a lawyer, and staying a lawyer are difficult tasks. Switching jobs are neither a light decision nor an easy process. We realize the importance of the work we do and take our work extremely seriously. In terms of taking care of our candidates, knowing the market, and excelling at what we do, we believe the results we are able to achieve are unparalleled.
Our strategic advantage is the nationwide network of recruiting partners we have developed over the past 20 years. Our partnerships frequently identify “passive” candidates; highly successful individuals who aren’t actively seeking a career change, but given the right set of circumstances would consider a move.
Am Law Firms
in all Major Cities
Across the U.S.

Ethics & Diversity
Information provided to our law firm clients shall be the most accurate known to our firm.
We will never withhold candidate information, which the hiring firm would typically-reasonably consider essential to its hiring decision.
American Consulting Company shall not recruit a candidate it has placed while that candidate remains with the firm that paid the recruiting fee.
The American Consulting Company is committed to providing high-quality, ethical and diverse search and employment services to the clients and candidates they represent.
It is the policy of the American Consulting Company, Inc., and any person representing our firm, that all persons, regardless of race, color, age, sex, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, military status, or pregnancy, be judged and recruited solely on their qualifications for employment and recruiting matters. Everyone who represents our firm, is fully committed and supports ADA and EEO. We expressly prohibit discrimination of any form and believe that diversity leads to strength.

Firm Mergers
Generally this refers to one law firm merging its practice into another or one law firm acquiring most or all of the attorneys in another firm. Practice Group Acquisitions are more focused than firm mergers. A common problem among law firms is that certain practice areas within a firm are simply stronger than others. An ideal solution to this problem often is the acquisition of a particular practice group from another firm, rather than the entire law firm.
Expanding into a new city typically occurs by firm merger, by practice group acquisition, or by a single lateral hire to open the new office. Regardless of the method used, it is critical for the expanding firm to have the right lawyer or lawyers in the new office.
American Consulting Company knows the right way to handle these growth strategies. We specialize in facilitating law firm mergers, expansions, and practice group acquisitions. We conduct discreet, but very effective searches based on extensive research and knowledge of the market. Our experience and professionalism can help find the perfect match for your growing law firm.